CS Learning Communities
Supporting your CS education and career journey
The CS Learning Community at CSUDH aims to build a supportive, focused environment that will help first- and second-year students stay on track with their studies and prepare to apply for competitive internships. Participants are eligible for a need-based scholarship of up to $10K.

What to expect as a freshman
In their first year, CS Learning Community (CSLC) students participate in three primary activities:
- Study groups of 4-5 students meet 3 times per week to work on assignments, hold each other accountable, and practice good study habits.
- All LC students meet during a monthly enrichment workshop for additional support in building strong study habits and strategies for success.
- LC students spend about 2 hours per week on an online Canvas course that supports the other two activities.

What to expect as a sophomore
Second year CSLC students transition their focus to preparing for landing a internship. They can expect to:
- Spend 5-6 hours per week making progress on the CTI Accelerate course, including interview problem solving practice and Python proficiency development.
- Participating in micro-internships, connecting with industry mentors, and getting guidance on resume/LinkedIn profile development, networking, and how to apply for internships.
- Completing mock and real interviews with tech companies.
- Continuing to study with small groups of 4-5 students 1-2 times per week.

Internships and Summer Work Experience
The first two years of CSLC helps prepare students to be competitive for summer internships. Students who are actively engaged in and complete CTI Accelerate on schedule typically land:
- A traditional tech internship with a technology company.
- A Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at a research lab at a US university.
- A spot in CTI’s open-source internship and/or apprenticeship program, working with an industry mentor and a small team on an open-source project for 8 weeks in the summer.
Important Information
Benefits and Student Expectations
Commit to: | Benefit from: |
The CS Learning Community program is open to incoming freshmen and to current first-year students studying CS at CSUDH. Once you’ve applied to CSUDH, you can apply to the CS Learning Community at CSUDH. Please note that if you are accepted to the Learning Community prior to being admitted to CSUDH, this acceptance is conditional and will be contingent upon you being admitted to and confirming enrollment at CSUDH.
Sophomore students are encouraged to apply directly to the CTI Accelerate program.
Prior knowledge of computer science (programming, coding, etc.) is not required
Application/Admissions Process
Freshmen studying computer science at CSUDH are accepted into the CS Learning Communities two times a year – going to fall semester and going into spring semester of their freshman year. The earlier you can enter the program, the more beneficial it will be.
To apply and enter the program:
- Complete the CS Learning Community application form
- Attend the semester kick-off session
- Complete and sign the CSLC contract, which you will receive at the kick-off session
Because of the increased time commitment and expectation that CS Learning Community students will go above and beyond in their academic pursuits, students accepted into CSLC are eligible for a scholarship. This is a need-based scholarship (available to students who have unmet financial need according to FAFSA) of up to $8K total over 4 semesters. The scholarship is distributed as a maximum of $2K per semester starting the first semester in the program. As long as students maintain good standing with CSLC by meeting the requirements each semester, they remain eligible for this scholarship.
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please write to CSpromise@csudh.edu.